Ahhhhh summer at last. After a crazy quarter of going to school 5 days a week and dragging the kids around to and from preschool it has been unbelievably relaxing to finally snooze in the morning. And by snooze I really mean that I refuse to get out of bed until 8 and try to drift back to sleep even when the kids come climbing into my bed at 6:30 or 7 am and I put cartoons on to hypnotize them but never really quite go back to sleep. I think it really just postpones the inevitable crawl downstairs followed by breakfast, dishes, laundry...which of these am I dreading?
Let's see, breakfast (and every other subsequent meal) has become an hourlong struggle to force feed my children. I am not trying to make them fat, but every other parent will understand the desire for their picky preschoolers to simply eat...without making it a battle.
Dishes really aren't that bad since I have a dishwasher, although my dishwasher is getting old and can rarely fit a whole sink full of dishes in one load, so what should be a quick clean up is actually 2 loads of dishes, and my dishwasher takes what seems like 3 hours to cycle, which cannot be very energy efficient, and still there are food scraps in the forks.
Laundry, oh laundry, my arch nemesis. I have finally come to the horrific realization that my everyday chore to "finish laundry" will never ever ever ever be complete...as long as my family gets dressed each day there will always be dirty laundry. This is eternity....laundry. I can get into a good groove with the washing and drying and even the folding most of the time. However, the putting away is what loses me. And get this, when the laundry is put away, we are always whining about having to run upstairs to get the kids clothes when we are used to them being conveniently on the pool table in the front room. I know, decorating at it's finest. The pool table, of course, was purchased before we had kids, and this much laundry! I must say, it is quite a nice laundry table, but it does create quite a "wow" when people walk in the front door to be greeted by piles of clothes stacked 4 feet high and covering any kind of sign that what is underneath used to be a pool table.
Ah, lazy summer, breakfast table showdowns, dishes out the wazoo and drowning in piles of clothes. Is it any wonder I am ready to go back to school? I am already tired of all this "free time."